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Supervisor Cluster upgrade failed in vSphere 8u2b

Issue Description

When I upgraded the Supervisor cluster from 1.25.6 to 1.26.8 on vCenter version 8u2b which has been recently upgraded from 7u3p, I faced an issue that the upgrade process was stuck at 50% in vCenter and the vsphere-csi-controller pods in namespace vmware-system-csi were in CrashLoopBackOff resulting in the error

failed to init controller. Error: could not find any AvailabilityZone

and kubectl get az on the Supervisor Clusters doesn't show any output.

When ssh'ing into a Supervisor Cluster Control Plane node you can execute the following script to find more details of the upgrade process with

/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/upgrade/ get-status \
  | jq '.progress | to_entries | .[] | "\(.value.status) - \(.key)"' \
  | sort

This gave me the following result:

"failed - ImageRegistryUpgrade"
"pending - CapvUpgrade"
"pending - CertManagerAdditionalUpgrade"
"pending - LicenseOperatorControllerUpgrade"
"pending - NamespaceOperatorControllerUpgrade"
"pending - PinnipedUpgrade"
"pending - PspOperatorUpgrade"
"pending - TkgUpgrade"
"pending - TMCUpgrade"
"pending - VmOperatorUpgrade"
"processing - UtkgControllersUpgrade"
"skipped - HarborUpgrade"
"skipped - LoadBalancerApiUpgrade"
"upgraded - AKOUpgrade"
"upgraded - AppPlatformOperatorUpgrade"
"upgraded - CapwUpgrade"
"upgraded - CertManagerUpgrade"
"upgraded - CsiControllerUpgrade"
"upgraded - ExternalSnapshotterUpgrade"
"upgraded - ImageControllerUpgrade"
"upgraded - KappControllerUpgrade"
"upgraded - NetOperatorUpgrade"
"upgraded - NSXNCPUpgrade"
"upgraded - RegistryAgentUpgrade"
"upgraded - SchedextComponentUpgrade"
"upgraded - SphereletComponentUpgrade"
"upgraded - TelegrafUpgrade"
"upgraded - UCSUpgrade"
"upgraded - UtkgClusterMigration"
"upgraded - VMwareSystemLoggingUpgrade"
"upgraded - WCPClusterCapabilities"

where we can see that the ImageRegistryUpgrade failed. Looking further into var/log/VMware/upgrade-ctl-compupgrade.log we could see the following error:

2024-06-18T05:33:08.437Z DEBUG comphelper: ret=0 out={
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "",
            "kind": "ContentLibrary",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"ContentLibrary\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"cl-fe4e8c74d59491be7\",\"namespace\":\"test-vsphere-namespace\"},\"spec\":{\"uuid\":\"5f773a1c-5aa3-4268-871a-359401c55950\",\"writable\":false}}\n"
2024-06-18T05:33:08.438Z ERROR compupgrade: {"error": "TypeError", "message": "argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable", "backtrace": ["  File \"/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/upgrade/\", line 362, in do_upgrade_with_out_resume_failed_support\n    comp.doUpgrade(upCtx)\n", "  File \"/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/objects/image-registry-operator/\", line 323, in doUpgrade\n    self.updateV1alpha1ImageRegistryResources()\n", "  File \"/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/objects/image-registry-operator/\", line 171, in updateV1alpha1ImageRegistryResources\n    self.updateV1alpha1Resource('contentlibraries', True)\n", "  File \"/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/objects/image-registry-operator/\", line 193, in updateV1alpha1Resource\n    patch_list = self.getResourcePatchBody(status, resource_kind)\n", "  File \"/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/objects/image-registry-operator/\", line 218, in getResourcePatchBody\n    if 'UTC' in creation_time:\n"]}

The error argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable first indicated that the root cause was because of the missing Availability Zone as mentioned earlier. But digging into the logs of the imageregistry-controller-manager we could see the following errors:

"msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="The underlying content library with ID 5f773a1c-5aa3-4268-871a-359401c55950 does not exist in vSphere"

Root Cause

There is an operator introduced in vCenter 8.x called ImageRegistryOperator that takes over some of the responsibilities of VMoperator. Part of the upgrade script is to migrate VMoperator's ContentSource and ContentSourceBindings to newer CRDs (ContentLibrary, ClusterContentLibrary, ContentLibraryItems etc.).

There was a bug in the upgrade script (already fixed in newer versions of vCenter) that is exposed when a Supervisor namespace references a content library that does not exist, e.g. because it was removed from vCenter. Other component upgrades stalled out because they depend on ImageRegistryUpgrade to be finished - this also caused the CrashLoopBackOff of the csi-controller because VmOperatorUpgrade hasn't started yet and has not yet created the missing AvailabilityZone custom resource on the Supervisor Cluster.

In this case, the content library 5f773a1c-5aa3-4268-871a-359401c55950 has been already deleted in vCenter, but it's still associated on some namespaces. This can be seen using the VMware Datacenter CLI (dcli):

dcli> namespaces instances get --namespace <vsphere-namespace-name>

or when executing kubectl get contentsourcebinding -A on the Supervisor Cluster. Also, the orphaned ContentLibrary resource is still present on the Supervisor cluster when executing kubectl get contentlibrary.


  1. delete the content library reference on all vSphere namespaces using dcli:

    dcli> namespaces instances update --namespace <vsphere-namespace-name> --content-libraries '[]'
  2. delete all contentsourcbindings related to the orphaned Content Library with

    kubectl delete contentsourcebinding -n <vsphere-namespace-name> 5f773a1c-5aa3-4268-871a-359401c55950
  3. delete the orphaned contentlibrary reference on the Supervisor cluster with

    kubectl delete contentlibrary <name>
  4. ensure the last step also deleted the corresponding contentsource with kubectl get contentsource.

The Supervisor Cluster upgrade process will be retried automatically. You can follow the progress again with

/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/upgrade/ get-status \
  | jq '.progress | to_entries | .[] | "\(.value.status) - \(.key)"' \
  | sort

and you should see that ImageRegistryUpgrade process should complete successfully. After VmOperatorUpgrade has been completed you should also see the missing AvailabilityZone with kubectl get az and the csi-controller pods running successfully.